He Hideth My Soul


I woke up this morning with the lyrics of Fanny Crosby’s timeless hymn “He Hideth My Soul” going through my mind.  It seemed strange to me because I hadn’t heard or thought of the song for years.  I couldn’t help but wonder why it was so strongly on my mind.

My longtime friend, Leslie, called me, just to talk and catch up.  She told me about our beloved childhood Sunday School teacher.  This godly woman had recently celebrated her 100th birthday.

We both shared with each other how this soft spoken, gracious teacher had impacted our lives.  I said I remembered thinking, as a child, that she was the most godly woman I had ever known.  My friend commented that what stood out to her was that she never said anything bad about anyone.

Then Leslie asked me, “Did you know that now, even at 100 years-old, she keeps a list of all of the members of her church so she can pray for them daily?”  No, I didn’t know.  But I’m not surprised.

Maybe stirring up memories of this precious Sunday School teacher jogged my memory.  We often sang, “He Hideth My Soul” during services at my childhood church.

Anyway, I’m glad to have had those warm memories of a truly godly woman come to my mind.  It was under her teaching that I first learned about Jesus and God’s gift of salvation.

She truly impacted my life.

Then the Lord said, “There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock.  When my glory passes by I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by.  Exodus 33:21-22  NIV

2 thoughts on “He Hideth My Soul

  1. How beautiful! What a lovely word picture and Scripture verse honoring this godly lady! To have touch ONE, that is HIS pleasure. But to touch as many as she probably did… yes, I am sure your verse for her is very appropo!
    Love you!!!


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